Source code for atomsmm.computers

.. module:: computers
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: a module for defining computers, which are subclasses of OpenMM Context_ class.

.. moduleauthor:: Charlles R. A. Abreu <>

.. _Context:


import itertools

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from simtk import openmm
from simtk import unit

import atomsmm

class _MoleculeTotalizer(object):
    def __init__(self, context, topology):
        molecules = context.getMolecules()
        atoms = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(molecules))
        nmols = self.nmols = len(molecules)
        natoms = self.natoms = len(atoms)
        mol = sum([[i]*len(molecule) for i, molecule in enumerate(molecules)], [])

        def sparseMatrix(data):
            return sparse.csr_matrix((data, (mol, atoms)), shape=(nmols, natoms))

        selection = self.selection = sparseMatrix(np.ones(natoms,
        system = context.getSystem()
        self.mass = np.array([system.getParticleMass(i).value_in_unit(unit.dalton) for i in range(natoms)])
        molMass = self.molMass =
        total =
        self.massFrac = sparseMatrix(self.mass/total)

        atomResidues = {}
        for atom in topology.atoms():
            atomResidues[int(atom.index)-1] =
        self.residues = [atomResidues[item[0]] for item in molecules]

[docs]class PressureComputer(openmm.Context): """ An OpenMM Context_ extension aimed at computing properties of a system related to isotropic volume variations. Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System The system... topology : The topology... platform : openmm.Platform The platform... properties : dict(), optional, default=dict() The properties... temperature : unit.Quantity, optional, default=None The bath temperature used to compute pressures using the equipartition expectations of kinetic energies. It this is `None`, then the instantaneous kinetic energies will be employed. """ def __init__(self, system, topology, platform, properties=dict(), temperature=None): self._system = atomsmm.ComputingSystem(system) super().__init__(self._system, openmm.CustomIntegrator(0), platform, properties) self._mols = _MoleculeTotalizer(self, topology) self._kT = None if temperature is None else unit.MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R*temperature self._make_obsolete() def _get_forces(self, groups): return self.getState(getForces=True, groups=groups).getForces(asNumpy=True) def _get_positions(self): return self.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True) def _get_potential(self, groups): return self.getState(getEnergy=True, groups=groups).getPotentialEnergy() def _get_velocities(self): return self.getState(getVelocities=True).getVelocities(asNumpy=True) def _get_volume(self): box = self.getState().getPeriodicBoxVectors() return box[0][0]*box[1][1]*box[2][2]*unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA def _make_obsolete(self): self._bond_virial = None self._coulomb_virial = None self._dispersion_virial = None self._molecular_virial = None self._molecular_kinetic_energy = None
[docs] def get_atomic_pressure(self): """ Returns the unconstrained atomic pressure of a system: .. math:: P = \\frac{2 K + W}{3 V}, where :math:`W` is the unconstrained atomic virial (see :func:`get_atomic_virial`), :math:`K` is the total kinetic energy of all atoms, and :math:`V` is the box volume. If keyword `temperature` was employed in the :class:`PressureComputer` creation, then the instantaneous kinetic energy is replaced by its equipartition-theorem average :math:`\\left\\langle K \\right\\rangle = 3 N_\\mathrm{atoms} k_B T/2`, where :math:`T` is the heat-bath temperature, thus making :math:`P` independent of the atomic velocities. .. warning:: The resulting pressure should not be used to compute the thermodynamic pressure of a system with constraints. For this, one can use :func:`get_molecular_pressure` instead. """ if self._kT is None: velocities = self._get_velocities().value_in_unit(unit.nanometers/unit.picosecond) mvv = self._mols.mass*np.sum(velocities**2, axis=1) dNkT = np.sum(mvv)*unit.kilojoules_per_mole else: dNkT = 3*self._mols.natoms*self._kT pressure = (dNkT + self.get_atomic_virial())/(3*self._get_volume()) return pressure.in_units_of(unit.atmospheres)
[docs] def get_atomic_virial(self): """ Returns the unconstrained atomic virial of the system. Considering full scaling of atomic coordinates in a box volume change (i.e. without any distance constraints), the internal virial of the system is given by .. math:: W = -\\sum_{i,j} r_{ij} E^\\prime(r_{ij}), where :math:`E^\\prime(r)` is the derivative of the interaction potential as a function of the distance between two atoms. Such interaction includes van der Waals, Coulomb, and bond-stretching contributions. Angles and dihedrals are not considered because they are invariant to full atomic coordinate scaling. .. warning:: The resulting virial should not be used to compute the thermodynamic pressure of a system with constraints. For this, one can use :func:`get_molecular_virial` instead. """ return self.get_bond_virial() + self.get_coulomb_virial() + self.get_dispersion_virial()
[docs] def get_bond_virial(self): """ Returns the bond-stretching contribution to the atomic virial. """ if self._bond_virial is None: self._bond_virial = self._get_potential(self._system._bonded) return self._bond_virial
[docs] def get_coulomb_virial(self): """ Returns the electrostatic (Coulomb) contribution to the atomic virial. """ if self._coulomb_virial is None: self._coulomb_virial = self._get_potential(self._system._coulomb) return self._coulomb_virial
[docs] def get_dispersion_virial(self): """ Returns the dispersion (van der Waals) contribution to the atomic virial. """ if self._dispersion_virial is None: self._dispersion_virial = self._get_potential(self._system._dispersion) return self._dispersion_virial
def get_molecular_kinetic_energy(self): if self._molecular_kinetic_energy is None: velocities = self._get_velocities().value_in_unit(unit.nanometers/unit.picosecond) vcm = mvv = self._mols.molMass*np.sum(vcm**2, axis=1) self._molecular_kinetic_energy = 0.5*np.sum(mvv)*unit.kilojoules_per_mole return self._molecular_kinetic_energy
[docs] def get_molecular_pressure(self, forces): """ Returns the molecular pressure of a system: .. math:: P = \\frac{2 K_\\mathrm{mol} + W_\\mathrm{mol}}{3 V}, where :math:`W_\\mathrm{mol}` is the molecular virial of the system (see :func:`get_molecular_virial`), :math:`K_\\mathrm{mol}` is the center-of-mass kinetic energy summed for all molecules, and :math:`V` is the box volume. If keyword `temperature` is was employed in the :class:`PressureComputer` creation, then the moleculer kinetic energy is replaced by its equipartition-theorem average :math:`\\left\\langle K_\\mathrm{mol} \\right\\rangle = 3 N_\\mathrm{mols} k_B T/2`, where :math:`T` is the heat-bath temperature. Parameter --------- forces : vector<openmm.Vec3> A vector whose length equals the number of particles in the System. The i-th element contains the force on the i-th particle. """ if self._kT is None: dNkT = 2.0*self.get_molecular_kinetic_energy() else: dNkT = 3*self._mols.nmols*self._kT pressure = (dNkT + self.get_molecular_virial(forces))/(3*self._get_volume()) return pressure.in_units_of(unit.atmospheres)
[docs] def get_molecular_virial(self, forces): """ Returns the molecular virial of a system. To compute the molecular virial, only the center-of-mass coordinates of the molecules are considered to scale in a box volume change, while the internal molecular structure keeps rigid. The molecular virial is computed from the nonbonded part of the atomic virial by using the formulation of Ref. :cite:`Hunenberger_2002`: .. math:: W_\\mathrm{mol} = W - \\sum_{i} (\\mathbf{r}_i -\\mathbf{r}_i^\\mathrm{cm}) \\cdot \\mathbf{F}_i, where :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` is the coordinate of atom i, :math:`\\mathbf{F}_i` is the resultant pairwise force acting on it, and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i^\\mathrm{cm}` is the center-of-mass coordinate of the molecule to which it belongs. Parameter --------- forces : vector<openmm.Vec3> A vector whose length equals the number of particles in the System. The i-th element contains the force on the i-th particle. """ f = forces.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole/unit.nanometers) r = self._get_positions().value_in_unit(unit.nanometers) fcm = rcm = W = self.get_atomic_virial().value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) return (W + np.sum(rcm*fcm) - np.sum(r*f))*unit.kilojoules_per_mole
def import_configuration(self, state): self.setPeriodicBoxVectors(*state.getPeriodicBoxVectors()) self.setPositions(state.getPositions()) self.setVelocities(state.getVelocities()) self._make_obsolete()