Source code for atomsmm.integrators

.. module:: integrators
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: a module for defining integrator classes.

.. moduleauthor:: Charlles R. A. Abreu <>


import functools
import math
import re
import types

import numpy as np
from simtk import openmm
from simtk import unit
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

import atomsmm.propagators as propagators
from atomsmm.utils import InputError
from atomsmm.utils import kB

class _AtomsMM_Integrator(openmm.CustomIntegrator):
    def __init__(self, stepSize):
        self.addGlobalVariable('mvv', 0.0)
        self.addGlobalVariable('NDOF', 0.0)
        self.addPerDofVariable('ndof', 0.0)
        self._obsoleteKinetic = True
        self._forceFinder = re.compile('^f[0-9]+$|^f$')
        self._obsoleteContextState = True
        self._random = np.random.RandomState()
        self._uninitialized = True

    def __repr__(self):
        A human-readable version of each integrator step (adapted from openmmtools)

        readable_lines : str
           A list of human-readable versions of each step of the integrator

        readable_lines = []

        readable_lines.append('Per-dof variables:')
        per_dof = []
        for index in range(self.getNumPerDofVariables()):
        readable_lines.append('  ' + ', '.join(per_dof))

        readable_lines.append('Global variables:')
        for index in range(self.getNumGlobalVariables()):
            name = self.getGlobalVariableName(index)
            value = self.getGlobalVariable(index)
            readable_lines.append(f'  {name} = {value}')

        readable_lines.append('Computation steps:')

        step_type_str = [
            '{target} <- {expr}',
            '{target} <- {expr}',
            '{target} <- sum({expr})',
            'constrain positions',
            'constrain velocities',
            'allow forces to update the context state',
            'if ({expr}):',
            'while ({expr}):',
        indent_level = 0
        for step in range(self.getNumComputations()):
            line = ''
            step_type, target, expr = self.getComputationStep(step)
            if step_type == 8:
                indent_level -= 1
            command = step_type_str[step_type].format(target=target, expr=expr)
            line += '{:4d}: '.format(step) + '   '*indent_level + command
            if step_type in [6, 7]:
                indent_level += 1
        return '\n'.join(readable_lines)

    def _normalVec(self):
        return openmm.Vec3(self._random.normal(), self._random.normal(), self._random.normal())

    def _required_variables(self, variable, expression):
        Returns a list of strings containting the names of all global and per-dof variables
        required by an OpenMM CustomIntegrator operation.

        definitions = ('{}={}'.format(variable, expression)).split(';')
        names = set()
        symbols = set()
        for definition in definitions:
            name, expr = definition.split('=')
            symbols |= parse_expr(expr.replace('^', '**')).free_symbols
        return list(str(element) for element in (symbols - names))

    def _checkUpdate(self, requirements):
        Check whether it is necessary to update the mvv global variable (twice the kinetic energy)
        or to let the openmm.Force objects update the context state.

        if self._obsoleteKinetic and 'mvv' in requirements:
            super().addComputeSum('mvv', 'm*v*v')
            self._obsoleteKinetic = False
        if self._obsoleteContextState and any(self._forceFinder.match(s) for s in requirements):
            self._obsoleteContextState = False

    def addUpdateContextState(self):
        if self._obsoleteContextState:
            self._obsoleteContextState = False

    def addComputeGlobal(self, variable, expression):
        if variable == 'mvv':
            raise InputError('Cannot assign value to global variable mvv')
        requirements = self._required_variables(variable, expression)
        super().addComputeGlobal(variable, expression)

    def addComputePerDof(self, variable, expression):
        requirements = self._required_variables(variable, expression)
        forces = [s for s in requirements if self._forceFinder.match(s) is not None]
        if len(forces) > 1:
            expression = re.sub(r'\bf([0-9]*)\b', '_f\\1_', expression)
            buffers = ['_{}_'.format(force) for force in forces]
            existing = [self.getPerDofVariableName(i) for i in range(self.getNumPerDofVariables())]
            for force, buffer in zip(forces[1:], buffers[1:]):
                if buffer not in existing:
                    self.addPerDofVariable(buffer, 0.0)
                self.addComputePerDof(buffer, force)
            expression = re.sub(r'\b{}\b'.format(buffers[0]), forces[0], expression)
        super().addComputePerDof(variable, expression)
        if variable == 'v':
            self._obsoleteKinetic = True

    def setRandomNumberSeed(self, seed):
        super().setRandomNumberSeed(self._random.tomaxint() % 2**31)

    def step(self, steps):
        if self._uninitialized:
            ndof = self.getPerDofVariableByName('ndof')
            self._ndof = NDOF = 3*len(ndof)
            self.setGlobalVariableByName('NDOF', NDOF)
            for i in range(len(ndof)):
                ndof[i] = openmm.Vec3(NDOF, NDOF, NDOF)
            self.setPerDofVariableByName('ndof', ndof)
            self._uninitialized = False
        return super().step(steps)

    def initialize(self):
        Perform initialization of atomic velocities and other random per-dof variables.


[docs]class GlobalThermostatIntegrator(_AtomsMM_Integrator): """ This class extends OpenMM's CustomIntegrator_ class in order to facilitate the construction of NVT integrators which include a global thermostat, that is, one that acts equally and simultaneously on all degrees of freedom of the system. In this case, a complete NVT step is split as: .. math:: e^{\\delta t \\, iL_\\mathrm{NVT}} = e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\delta t \\, iL_\\mathrm{T}} e^{\\delta t \\, iL_\\mathrm{NVE}} e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\delta t \\, iL_\\mathrm{T}} The propagator :math:`e^{\\delta t \\, iL_\\mathrm{NVE}}` is a Hamiltonian corresponds to a Hamiltonian :math:`iL_\\mathrm{T}` .. _CustomIntegrator: Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The step size with which to integrate the system (in time unit). nveIntegrator : :class:`HamiltonianPropagator` The Hamiltonian propagator. thermostat : :class:`ThermostatPropagator`, optional, default=None The thermostat propagator. randomSeed : int, optional, default=None A seed for random numbers. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, nveIntegrator, thermostat=None): super().__init__(stepSize) if thermostat is None: propagator = nveIntegrator else: propagator = propagators.TrotterSuzukiPropagator(nveIntegrator, thermostat) propagator.addVariables(self) propagator.addSteps(self)
[docs]class MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator(_AtomsMM_Integrator): """ This class implements a Multiple Time-Scale (MTS) integrator using the RESPA method. Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) A list of `N` integers. Assuming that force group `0` is composed of the fastest forces, while group `N-1` is composed of the slowest ones, `loops[k]` determines how many steps involving forces of group `k` are internally executed for every step involving those of group `k+1`. move : :class:`Propagator`, optional, default = None A move propagator. boost : :class:`Propagator`, optional, default = None A boost propagator. bath : :class:`Propagator`, optional, default = None A bath propagator. Keyword Args ------------ scheme : str, optional, default = `middle` The splitting scheme used to solve the equations of motion. Available options are `middle`, `xi-respa`, `xo-respa`, `side`, and `blitz`. If it is `middle` (default), then the bath propagator will be inserted between half-step coordinate moves during the fastest-force loops. If it is `xi-respa`, `xo-respa`, or `side`, then the bath propagator will be integrated in both extremities of each loop concerning one of the `N` time scales, with `xi-respa` referring to the time scale of fastest forces (force group `0`), `xo-respa` referring to the time scale of the slowest forces (force group `N-1`), and `side` requiring the user to select the time scale in which to locate the bath propagator via keyword argument `location` (see below). If it is `blitz`, then the force-related propagators will be fully integrated at the outset of each loop in all time scales and the bath propagator will be integrated between half-step coordinate moves during the fastest-force loops. location : int, optional, default = None The index of the force group (from `0` to `N-1`) that defines the time scale in which the bath propagator will be located. This is only meaningful if keyword `scheme` is set to `side` (see above). nsy : int, optional, default = 1 The number of Suzuki-Yoshida terms to factorize the bath propagator. Valid options are 1, 3, 7, and 15. nres : int, optional, default = 1 The number of RESPA-like subdivisions to factorize the bath propagator. .. warning:: The `xo-respa` and `xi-respa` schemes implemented here are slightly different from the ones described in the paper by Leimkuhler, Margul, and Tuckerman :cite:`Leimkuhler_2013`. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, move=None, boost=None, bath=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(stepSize) propagator = propagators.MultipleTimeScalePropagator(loops, move, boost, bath, **kwargs) propagator.addVariables(self) propagator.addSteps(self)
[docs]class NHL_R_Integrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ This class is an implementation of the massive Nosé-Hoover-Langevin (RESPA) integrator. The method consists in solving the following equations for each degree of freedom (DOF) in the system: .. math:: & \\frac{dx}{dt} = v \\\\ & \\frac{dv}{dt} = \\frac{f}{m} - v_2 v \\\\ & dv_2 = \\frac{m v^2 - kT}{Q_2}dt - \\gamma v_2 dt + \\sqrt{\\frac{2 \\gamma kT}{Q_2}} dW The equations are integrated by a reversible, multiple timescale numerical scheme. Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. timeScale : unit.Quantity A time scale :math:`\\tau` from which the inertial parameters are computed as :math:`Q_2 = kT\\tau^2`. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs): scaling = propagators.GenericScalingPropagator('v', 'v2') DOU = propagators.OrnsteinUhlenbeckPropagator(temperature, frictionConstant, 'v2', 'Q2', 'm*v^2 - kT', Q2=kB*temperature*timeScale**2, kT=kB*temperature) bath = propagators.TrotterSuzukiPropagator(DOU, scaling) super().__init__(stepSize, loops, None, None, bath, **kwargs)
[docs] def initialize(self): kT = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kT') Q1 = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q2') v2 = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v2') S = math.sqrt(kT/Q1) for i in range(len(v2)): v2[i] = S*self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('v2', v2)
[docs]class Langevin_R_Integrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ This class is an implementation of the multiple time scale Langevin (RESPA) integrator. The method consists in solving the following equations for each degree of freedom (DOF) in the system: .. math:: & \\frac{dx}{dt} = v \\\\ & \\frac{dv}{dt} = \\frac{f}{m} - \\gamma v dt + \\sqrt{\\frac{2 \\gamma kT}{m}} dW The equations are integrated by a reversible, multiple timescale numerical scheme. Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, frictionConstant, **kwargs): bath = propagators.OrnsteinUhlenbeckPropagator(temperature, frictionConstant, 'v', 'm', kT=kB*temperature) super().__init__(stepSize, loops, None, None, bath, **kwargs)
[docs]class SIN_R_Integrator(_AtomsMM_Integrator): """ This class is an implementation of the Stochastic-Iso-NH-RESPA or SIN(R) method of Leimkuhler, Margul, and Tuckerman :cite:`Leimkuhler_2013`. The method consists in solving the following equations for each degree of freedom (DOF) in the system: .. math:: & \\frac{dx}{dt} = v \\\\ & \\frac{dv}{dt} = \\frac{f}{m} - \\lambda v \\\\ & \\frac{dv_1}{dt} = - \\lambda v_1 - v_2 v_1 \\\\ & dv_2 = \\frac{Q_1 v_1^2 - kT}{Q_2}dt - \\gamma v_2 dt + \\sqrt{\\frac{2 \\gamma kT}{Q_2}} dW where: .. math:: \\lambda = \\frac{f v - \\frac{1}{2} Q_1 v_2 v_1^2}{m v^2 + \\frac{1}{2} Q_1 v_1^2}. A consequence of these equations is that .. math:: m v^2 + \\frac{1}{2} Q_1 v_1^2 = kT. The equations are integrated by a reversible, multiple timescale numerical scheme. Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. timeScale : unit.Quantity A time scale :math:`\\tau` from which the inertial parameters are computed as :math:`Q_1 = Q_2 = kT\\tau^2`. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs): super().__init__(stepSize) propagator = propagators.SIN_R_Propagator(loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs) propagator.addVariables(self) propagator.addSteps(self)
[docs] def initialize(self): kT = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kT') Q1 = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q1') Q2 = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q2') L = round(self.getGlobalVariableByName('L')) for i in range(L): v1 = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v1_{}'.format(i)) v2 = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v2_{}'.format(i)) S1 = math.sqrt((L + 1)/L*kT/Q1) S2 = math.sqrt(kT/Q2) for j in range(len(v1)): v1[j] = S1*self._normalVec() v2[j] = S2*self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('v1_{}'.format(i), v1) self.setPerDofVariableByName('v2_{}'.format(i), v2)
[docs]class NewMethodIntegrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ This class is an implementation of the Stochastic-Iso-NH-RESPA or SIN(R) method of Leimkuhler, Margul, and Tuckerman :cite:`Leimkuhler_2013`. The method consists in solving the following equations for each degree of freedom (DOF) in the system: .. math:: & \\frac{dx}{dt} = v \\\\ & \\frac{dv}{dt} = \\frac{f}{m} - \\lambda v \\\\ & \\frac{dv_1}{dt} = - \\lambda v_1 - v_2 v_1 \\\\ & dv_2 = \\frac{Q_1 v_1^2 - kT}{Q_2}dt - \\gamma v_2 dt + \\sqrt{\\frac{2 \\gamma kT}{Q_2}} dW where: .. math:: \\lambda = \\frac{f v - \\frac{1}{2} Q_1 v_2 v_1^2}{m v^2 + \\frac{1}{2} Q_1 v_1^2}. A consequence of these equations is that .. math:: m v^2 + \\frac{1}{2} Q_1 v_1^2 = kT. The equations are integrated by a reversible, multiple timescale numerical scheme. Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. timeScale : unit.Quantity A time scale :math:`\\tau` from which the inertial parameters are computed as :math:`Q_1 = Q_2 = kT\\tau^2`. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs): L = kwargs.pop('L', 1) self._massive = kwargs.pop('massive', True) newF = propagators.NewMethodPropagator(temperature, timeScale, L, forceDependent=True) newN = propagators.NewMethodPropagator(temperature, timeScale, L, forceDependent=False) mass = 'Q_eta' if self._massive else 'NDOF*Q_eta' force = ('{}*m*v*v - kT' if self._massive else '{}*mvv - NDOF*kT').format((L+1)/L) DOU = propagators.OrnsteinUhlenbeckPropagator(temperature, frictionConstant, 'v_eta', mass, force, overall=(not self._massive), Q_eta=L*kB*temperature*timeScale**2) bath = propagators.TrotterSuzukiPropagator(DOU, newN) super().__init__(stepSize, loops, None, newF, bath, **kwargs)
[docs] def initialize(self): kT = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kT') Q_eta = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q_eta') if self._massive: sigma = math.sqrt(kT/Q_eta) v_eta = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v_eta') for i in range(len(v_eta)): v_eta[i] = sigma*self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('v_eta', v_eta) else: sigma = math.sqrt(kT/(self._ndof*Q_eta)) self.setGlobalVariableByName('v_eta', sigma*self._random.normal())
[docs]class LimitedSpeedBAOABIntegrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, frictionConstant, **kwargs): L = kwargs.pop('L', 1) move = propagators.LimitedSpeedLangevinPropagator(temperature, frictionConstant, L, 'move') boost = propagators.LimitedSpeedLangevinPropagator(temperature, frictionConstant, L, 'boost') bath = propagators.LimitedSpeedLangevinPropagator(temperature, frictionConstant, L, 'bath') super().__init__(stepSize, loops, move, boost, bath, **kwargs) # self.addComputePerDof('v', 'sqrt(LkT*p*tanh(p)/m)') self.addComputePerDof('v', 'sqrt(LkT/m)*tanh(p)') # self.addComputePerDof('v', 'p')
[docs] def initialize(self): # Implement initial values of per-dof variable p pass
[docs]class LimitedSpeedNHLIntegrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs): L = kwargs.pop('L', 1) move = propagators.LimitedSpeedNHLPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'move') boost = propagators.LimitedSpeedNHLPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'boost') bath = propagators.LimitedSpeedNHLPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'bath') super().__init__(stepSize, loops, move, boost, bath, **kwargs) # self.addComputePerDof('v', 'sqrt(LkT*p*tanh(p)/m)') self.addComputePerDof('v', 'sqrt(LkT/m)*tanh(p)') # self.addComputePerDof('v', 'p')
[docs] def initialize(self): kT = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kT') Q_eta = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q_eta') sigma = math.sqrt(kT/Q_eta) v_eta = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v_eta') for i in range(len(v_eta)): v_eta[i] = sigma*self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('v_eta', v_eta) p = self.getPerDofVariableByName('p') for i in range(len(v_eta)): p[i] = self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('p', p)
[docs]class LimitedSpeedStochasticIntegrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs): L = kwargs.pop('L', 1) move = propagators.LimitedSpeedStochasticPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'move') boost = propagators.LimitedSpeedStochasticPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'boost') bath = propagators.LimitedSpeedStochasticPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'bath') super().__init__(stepSize, loops, move, boost, bath, **kwargs) # self.addComputePerDof('v', 'sqrt(LkT*p*tanh(p)/m)') self.addComputePerDof('v', 'sqrt(LkT/m)*tanh(p)') # self.addComputePerDof('v', 'p')
[docs] def initialize(self): kT = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kT') Q_eta = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q_eta') sigma = math.sqrt(kT/Q_eta) v_eta = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v_eta') for i in range(len(v_eta)): v_eta[i] = sigma*self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('v_eta', v_eta) p = self.getPerDofVariableByName('p') for i in range(len(v_eta)): p[i] = self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('p', p)
[docs]class LimitedSpeedStochasticVelocityIntegrator(MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator): """ Parameters ---------- stepSize : unit.Quantity The largest time step for numerically integrating the system of equations. loops : list(int) See description in :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator`. temperature : unit.Quantity The temperature to which the configurational sampling should correspond. frictionConstant : unit.Quantity The friction constant :math:`\\gamma` present in the stochastic equation of motion for per-DOF thermostat variable :math:`v_2`. **kwargs : keyword arguments The same keyword arguments of class :class:`MultipleTimeScaleIntegrator` apply here. """ def __init__(self, stepSize, loops, temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, **kwargs): L = kwargs.pop('L', 1) move = propagators.LimitedSpeedStochasticVelocityPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'move') boost = propagators.LimitedSpeedStochasticVelocityPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'boost') bath = propagators.LimitedSpeedStochasticVelocityPropagator(temperature, timeScale, frictionConstant, L, 'bath') super().__init__(stepSize, loops, move, boost, bath, **kwargs)
[docs] def initialize(self): kT = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kT') Q_eta = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Q_eta') sigma = math.sqrt(kT/Q_eta) v_eta = self.getPerDofVariableByName('v_eta') for i in range(len(v_eta)): v_eta[i] = sigma*self._normalVec() self.setPerDofVariableByName('v_eta', v_eta)
[docs]class ExtendedSystemVariable(object): """ An extended-system variable used for Adiabatic Free Energy Dynamics (AFED). .. warning: It is necessary that the system energy depends on a gloval parameter with the same name of this variable and that `addEnergyParameterDerivative` has been called for all forces that depend on it. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the extended-space variable. mass : Number or unit.Quantity The mass of the extended-space variable. kT : Number of unit.Quantity The temperature of the extended-space variable. time_scale : Number of unit.Quantity The time scale of the thermostat that controls the temperature of this variable. lower_limit : Number, optional, default=0 The lower limit of the variable. upper_limit : Number, optional, default=1 The upper limit of the variable. periodic : Bool, optional, default=False Whether this variable is subject to periodic boundary conditions. If this is `False`, then hard, ellastic walls will be considered instead. """ def __init__(self, name, mass, kT, time_scale, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=1, periodic=False, thermostat='Nose-Hoover', friction_constant=0.1/unit.femtoseconds): self._m_value = mass self._kT_value = kT self._Q_eta_value = kT*time_scale**2 self._lower_limit = lower_limit self._upper_limit = upper_limit self._periodic = periodic self._gamma_value = friction_constant self._thermostat = thermostat self._x = name self._v = f'_v_{name}' self._m = f'_m_{name}' self._kT = f'_kT_{name}' self._kTbym = f'_kTbym_{name}' self._v_eta = f'_v_eta_{name}' self._Q_eta = f'_Q_eta_{name}' self._gamma = f'_gamma_{name}' def add_global_variables(self, integrator): integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._v, 0.0) integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._m, self._m_value) if self._thermostat == 'Nose-Hoover': integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._v_eta, 0.0) integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._kT, self._kT_value) integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._Q_eta, self._Q_eta_value) elif self._thermostat == 'Langevin': integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._kTbym, self._kT_value/self._m_value) integrator.addGlobalVariable(self._gamma, self._gamma_value) def _apply_boundary_conditions(self, integrator): above_lower = f'step({self._x}-({self._lower_limit}))' below_upper = f'step({self._upper_limit}-{self._x})' integrator.beginIfBlock(f'{above_lower}*{below_upper} = 0') if self._periodic: L = self._upper_limit - self._lower_limit jump = f'{self._x} + select({above_lower},{-L},{L})' integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._x, jump) else: bounce = f'select({above_lower},{2*self._upper_limit},{2*self._lower_limit})-{self._x}' flip_velocity = f'-{self._v}' integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._x, bounce) integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._v, flip_velocity) integrator.endBlock() def add_integration_steps(self, integrator): move = f'{self._x} + 0.5*dt*{self._v}' if self._thermostat == 'Nose-Hoover': kick_thermostat = f'{self._v_eta} + 0.5*dt*({self._m}*{self._v}^2-{self._kT})/{self._Q_eta}' scale_velocity = f'{self._v}*exp(-dt*{self._v_eta})' elif self._thermostat == 'Langevin': boost = f'z*{self._v}+sqrt((1-z*z)*{self._kTbym})*gaussian; z=exp(-dt*{self._gamma})' integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._x, move) self._apply_boundary_conditions(integrator) if self._thermostat == 'Nose-Hoover': integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._v_eta, kick_thermostat) integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._v, scale_velocity) integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._v_eta, kick_thermostat) elif self._thermostat == 'Langevin': integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._v, boost) integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._x, move) self._apply_boundary_conditions(integrator) def update_velocity(self, integrator, divisor): boost = f'{self._v} - 0.5*(dt/{divisor})*deriv(energy,{self._x})/{self._m}' integrator.addComputeGlobal(self._v, boost) def initialize(self, integrator): sigma_v = unit.sqrt(self._kT_value/self._m_value) integrator.setGlobalVariableByName(self._v, sigma_v*integrator._random.normal()) if self._thermostat == 'Nose-Hoover': sigma_v_eta = unit.sqrt(self._kT_value/self._Q_eta_value) integrator.setGlobalVariableByName(self._v_eta, sigma_v_eta*integrator._random.normal())
[docs]class AdiabaticDynamicsIntegrator(_AtomsMM_Integrator): """ This class implements the Adiabatic Free Energy Dynamics (AFED) method. The equations of motion go as follows: .. math:: e^{2 n_\\mathrm{nsteps} \\delta t \\mathcal{L}} = & [e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\delta t \\mathbf{F}^t_\\lambda \\nabla_{\\mathbf{p}_\\lambda}} e^{\\delta t \\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{atoms}} e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\delta t \\mathbf{F}^t_\\lambda \\nabla_{\\mathbf{p}_\\lambda}} ]^{n_\\mathrm{nsteps}} \\times \\\\ & e^{n_\\mathrm{nsteps} \\delta t \\mathbf{p}^t_\\lambda \\mathbf{M}^{-1}_\\lambda \\nabla_{\\mathbf{\\lambda}}} e^{2 n_\\mathrm{nsteps} \\delta t \\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{bath}} e^{n_\\mathrm{nsteps} \\delta t \\mathbf{p}^t_\\lambda \\mathbf{M}^{-1}_\\lambda \\nabla_{\\mathbf{\\lambda}}} \\times \\\\ & [e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\delta t \\mathbf{F}^t_\\lambda \\nabla_{\\mathbf{p}_\\lambda}} e^{\\delta t \\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{atoms}} e^{\\frac{1}{2} \\delta t \\mathbf{F}^t_\\lambda \\nabla_{\\mathbf{p}_\\lambda}} ]^{n_\\mathrm{nsteps}} Parameters ---------- custom_integrator : openmm.CustomIntegrator A CustomIntegrator_ employed to solve the equations of motion of the physical particles, that is, to enact the propagator :math:`e^{\\delta t \\mathcal{L}_\\mathrm{atoms}}`. The size of an overall AFED time step will be given by :math:`\\Delta t = 2 n_\\mathrm{nsteps} \\delta t`, where :math:`\\delta t` is the time step size previously specified for the `custom_integrator`. nsteps : int The number of consecutive `custom_integrator` steps executed in the begining of an overall AFED step, and then again in the end. variables : list(:class:`ExtendedSystemVariable`) A list of extended-system variables whose adiabatic dynamics must be taken into account. """ def __init__(self, custom_integrator, nsteps, variables): super().__init__(2*nsteps*custom_integrator.getStepSize()) self._variables = variables if nsteps > 1: self._counter = '_nsteps_counter' self.addGlobalVariable(self._counter, 0) for variable in self._variables: variable.add_global_variables(self) self._import_variables_and_initializer(custom_integrator) self.addUpdateContextState() self._add_physical_steps(custom_integrator, nsteps) for variable in self._variables: variable.add_integration_steps(self) self._add_physical_steps(custom_integrator, nsteps) def _add_physical_steps(self, integrator, nsteps): if nsteps > 1: self.addComputeGlobal(self._counter, '0') self.beginWhileBlock(f'{self._counter} < {nsteps}') for variable in self._variables: variable.update_velocity(self, 2*nsteps) self._import_computations(integrator, nsteps) for variable in self._variables: variable.update_velocity(self, 2*nsteps) if nsteps > 1: self.addComputeGlobal(self._counter, f'{self._counter} + 1') self.endBlock() def _import_computations(self, integrator, nsteps): regex = re.compile(r'\bdt\b') for index in range(integrator.getNumComputations()): computation, variable, expression = integrator.getComputationStep(index) expression = regex.sub(f'(dt/{2*nsteps})', expression) if computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.ComputeGlobal: self.addComputeGlobal(variable, expression) elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.ComputePerDof: self.addComputePerDof(variable, expression) elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.ComputeSum: self.addComputeSum(variable, expression) elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.ConstrainPositions: self.addConstrainPositions() elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.ConstrainVelocities: self.addConstrainVelocities() elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.UpdateContextState: self.addUpdateContextState() elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.IfBlockStart: self.beginIfBlock(expression) elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.WhileBlockStart: self.beginWhileBlock(expression) elif computation == openmm.CustomIntegrator.BlockEnd: self.endBlock() def _import_variables_and_initializer(self, integrator): # Import all global variables except `mvv` and `NDOF`: for index in range(integrator.getNumGlobalVariables()): name = integrator.getGlobalVariableName(index) if name not in ['mvv', 'NDOF']: value = integrator.getGlobalVariable(index) self.addGlobalVariable(name, value) # Import all per-dof variables except `ndof`: for index in range(integrator.getNumPerDofVariables()): name = integrator.getPerDofVariableName(index) if name != 'ndof': values = integrator.getPerDofVariable(index) self.addPerDofVariable(name, 0) self.setPerDofVariableByName(name, values) # Import `initialize` method: def copy_function(f): g = types.FunctionType(f.__code__, f.__globals__) return functools.update_wrapper(g, f) self._initialize_function = copy_function(integrator.initialize)
[docs] def initialize(self): self._initialize_function(self) for variable in self._variables: variable.initialize(self)