Source code for atomsmm.reporters

.. module:: reporters
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: a module for defining OpenMM reporter classes.

.. moduleauthor:: Charlles R. A. Abreu <>

.. _pandas.DataFrame:
.. _StateDataReporter:
.. _CustomIntegrator:
.. _CustomCVForce:


import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from simtk import openmm
from simtk import unit
from simtk.openmm import app

from .computers import PressureComputer
from .computers import _MoleculeTotalizer
from .utils import InputError

class _MultiStream:
    def __init__(self, outputs):
        self._outputs = list()
        for output in outputs:
            self._outputs.append(open(output, 'w') if isinstance(output, str) else output)

    def __del__(self):
        for output in self._outputs:
            if output != sys.stdout and output != sys.stderr:

    def write(self, message):
        for output in self._outputs:

    def flush(self):
        for output in self._outputs:

class _AtomsMM_Reporter():
    Base class for reporters.

    def __init__(self, file, reportInterval, **kwargs):
        self._reportInterval = reportInterval
        self._requiresInitialization = True
        self._needsPositions = False
        self._needsVelocities = False
        self._needsForces = False
        self._needEnergy = False
        extraFile = kwargs.pop('extraFile', None)
        if extraFile is None:
            self._out = open(file, 'w') if isinstance(file, str) else file
            self._out = _MultiStream([file, extraFile])
        self._separator = kwargs.pop('separator', ',')

    def _initialize(self, simulation, state):

    def _generateReport(self, simulation, state):

    def describeNextReport(self, simulation):
        Get information about the next report this object will generate.

            simulation : Simulation
                The Simulation to generate a report for

                A five element tuple. The first element is the number of steps
                until the next report. The remaining elements specify whether
                that report will require positions, velocities, forces, and
                energies respectively.

        steps = self._reportInterval - simulation.currentStep % self._reportInterval
        return (steps, self._needsPositions, self._needsVelocities, self._needsForces, self._needEnergy)

    def report(self, simulation, state):
        Generate a report.

            simulation : Simulation
                The Simulation to generate a report for
            state : State
                The current state of the simulation

        if self._requiresInitialization:
            self._initialize(simulation, state)
            self._requiresInitialization = False
        self._generateReport(simulation, state)

[docs]class ExtendedStateDataReporter(app.StateDataReporter): """ An extension of OpenMM's StateDataReporter_ class, which outputs information about a simulation, such as energy and temperature, to a file. All original functionalities of StateDataReporter_ are preserved and the following ones are included: 1. Report the Coulomb contribution of the potential energy (keyword: `coulombEnergy`): This contribution includes both real- and reciprocal-space terms. 2. Report the atomic virial of a fully-flexible system (keyword: `atomicVirial`): Considering full scaling of atomic coordinates in a box volume change (i.e. without any distance constraints), the internal virial of the system is given by .. math:: W = -\\sum_{i,j} r_{ij} E^\\prime(r_{ij}), where :math:`E^\\prime(r)` is the derivative of the pairwise interaction potential as a function of the distance between to atoms. Such interaction includes van der Waals, Coulomb, and bond-stretching contributions. Bond-bending and dihedral angles are not considered because they are invariant to full volume-scaling of atomic coordinates. 3. Report the nonbonded contribution of the atomic virial (keyword: `nonbondedVirial`): The nonbonded virial is given by .. math:: W_\\mathrm{nb} = -\\sum_{i,j} r_{ij} E_\\mathrm{nb}^\\prime(r_{ij}), where :math:`E_\\mathrm{nb}^\\prime(r)` is the derivative of the nonbonded pairwise potential, which comprises van der Waals and Coulomb interactions only. 4. Report the atomic pressure of a fully-flexible system (keyword: `atomicPressure`): .. math:: P = \\frac{2 K + W}{3 V}, where :math:`K` is the kinetic energy sum for all atoms in the system. If keyword `bathTemperature` is employed (see below), the instantaneous kinetic energy is substituted by its equipartition-theorem average :math:`\\left\\langle K \\right\\rangle = 3 N_\\mathrm{atoms} k_B T/2`, where :math:`T` is the heat-bath temperature. 5. Report the molecular virial of a system (keyword: `molecularVirial`): To compute the molecular virial, only the center-of-mass coordinates of the molecules are considered to scale in a box volume change, while the internal molecular structure is kept unaltered. The molecular virial is computed from the nonbonded part of the atomic virial by using the formulation of Ref. :cite:`Hunenberger_2002`: .. math:: W_\\mathrm{mol} = W - \\sum_{i} (\\mathbf{r}_i - \\mathbf{r}_i^\\mathrm{cm}) \\cdot \\mathbf{F}_i, where :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` is the coordinate of atom i, :math:`\\mathbf{F}_i` is the resultant pairwise force acting on it (excluding bond-bending and dihedral angles), and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i^\\mathrm{cm}` is the center-of-mass coordinate of its containing molecule. 6. Report the molecular pressure of a system (keyword: `molecularPressure`): .. math:: P = \\frac{2 K_\\mathrm{mol} + W_\\mathrm{mol}}{3 V}, where :math:`K_\\mathrm{mol}` is the center-of-mass kinetic energy summed for all molecules in the system. If keyword `bathTemperature` is employed (see below), the instantaneous kinetic energy is substituted by its equipartition-theorem average :math:`\\left\\langle K_\\mathrm{mol} \\right\\rangle = 3 N_\\mathrm{mols} k_B T/2`, where :math:`T` is the heat-bath temperature. 7. Report the center-of-mass kinetic energy (keyword: `molecularKineticEnergy`): .. math:: K_\\mathrm{mol} = \\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{i=1}^{N_\\mathrm{mol}} M_i v_{\\mathrm{cm}, i}^2, where :math:`N_\\mathrm{mol}` is the number of molecules in the system, :math:`M_i` is the total mass of molecule `i`, and :math:`v_{\\mathrm{cm}, i}` is the center-of-mass velocity of molecule `i`. 8. Report potential energies at multiple global parameter states (keyword: `globalParameterStates`): Computes and reports the potential energy of the system at a number of provided global parameter states. 9. Report global parameter values (keyword: `globalParameters`): Reports the values of specified global parameters. 10. Report derivatives of energy with respect to global parameters (keyword: `energyDerivatives`): Computes and reports derivatives of the potential energy of the system at the current state with respect to specified global parameters. 11. Report values of collective variables (keyword: `collectiveVariables`) Report the values of a set of collective variables. 12. Allow specification of an extra file for reporting (keyword: `extraFile`). This can be used for replicating a report simultaneously to `sys.stdout` and to a file using a unique reporter. Keyword Args ------------ coulombEnergy : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the Coulomb contribution of the potential energy to the file. atomicVirial : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the total atomic virial to the file. nonbondedVirial : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the nonbonded contribution to the atomic virial to the file. atomicPressure : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the internal atomic pressure to the file. molecularVirial : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the molecular virial to the file. molecularPressure : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the internal molecular pressure to the file. molecularKineticEnergy : bool, optional, default=False Whether to write the molecular center-of-mass kinetic energy to the file. globalParameterStates : pandas.DataFrame_, optional, default=None A DataFrame containing context global parameters (column names) and sets of values thereof. If it is provided, then the potential energy will be reported for every state these parameters define. globalParameters : list(str), optional, default=None A list of global parameter names. If it is provided, then the values of these parameters will be reported. energyDerivatives : list(str), optional, default=None A list of global parameter names. If it is provided, then the derivatives of the total potential energy with respect to these parameters will be reported. It is necessary that the calculation of these derivatives has been activated beforehand (see, for instance, CustomIntegrator_). collectiveVariables : list(openmm.CustomCVForce), optional, default=None A list of CustomCVForce_ objects. If it is provided, then the values of all collective variables associated with these objects will be reported. pressureComputer : :class:`~atomsmm.computers.PressureComputer`, optional, default=None A computer designed to determine pressures and virials. This is mandatory if any keyword related to virial or pressure is set as `True`. extraFile : str or file, optional, default=None Extra file to write to, specified as a file name or a file object. """ def __init__(self, file, reportInterval, **kwargs): self._coulombEnergy = kwargs.pop('coulombEnergy', False) self._atomicVirial = kwargs.pop('atomicVirial', False) self._nonbondedVirial = kwargs.pop('nonbondedVirial', False) self._atomicPressure = kwargs.pop('atomicPressure', False) self._molecularVirial = kwargs.pop('molecularVirial', False) self._molecularPressure = kwargs.pop('molecularPressure', False) self._molecularKineticEnergy = kwargs.pop('molecularKineticEnergy', False) self._globalParameterStates = kwargs.pop('globalParameterStates', None) self._globalParameters = kwargs.pop('globalParameters', None) self._energyDerivatives = kwargs.pop('energyDerivatives', None) self._collectiveVariables = kwargs.pop('collectiveVariables', None) self._pressureComputer = kwargs.pop('pressureComputer', None) extra = kwargs.pop('extraFile', None) if extra is None: super().__init__(file, reportInterval, **kwargs) else: super().__init__(_MultiStream([file, extra]), reportInterval, **kwargs) self._computing = any([self._coulombEnergy, self._atomicVirial, self._nonbondedVirial, self._atomicPressure, self._molecularVirial, self._molecularPressure, self._molecularKineticEnergy]) if self._computing: if self._pressureComputer is not None and not isinstance(self._pressureComputer, PressureComputer): raise InputError('keyword "pressureComputer" requires a PressureComputer instance') self._needsPositions = True self._needsForces = any([self._needsForces, self._molecularVirial, self._molecularPressure]) self._needsVelocities = any([self._needsVelocities, self._molecularPressure, self._atomicPressure, self._molecularKineticEnergy]) self._backSteps = -sum([self._speed, self._elapsedTime, self._remainingTime]) def _add_item(self, lst, item): if self._backSteps == 0: lst.append(item) else: lst.insert(self._backSteps, item) def _constructHeaders(self): headers = super()._constructHeaders() if self._coulombEnergy: self._add_item(headers, 'Coulomb Energy (kJ/mole)') if self._atomicVirial: self._add_item(headers, 'Atomic Virial (kJ/mole)') if self._nonbondedVirial: self._add_item(headers, 'Nonbonded Virial (kJ/mole)') if self._atomicPressure: self._add_item(headers, 'Atomic Pressure (atm)') if self._molecularVirial: self._add_item(headers, 'Molecular Virial (kJ/mole)') if self._molecularPressure: self._add_item(headers, 'Molecular Pressure (atm)') if self._molecularKineticEnergy: self._add_item(headers, 'Molecular Kinetic Energy (kJ/mole)') if self._globalParameterStates is not None: for index in self._globalParameterStates.index: self._add_item(headers, 'Energy[{}] (kJ/mole)'.format(index)) if self._globalParameters is not None: for name in self._globalParameters: self._add_item(headers, name) if self._energyDerivatives is not None: for name in self._energyDerivatives: self._add_item(headers, 'diff(E,{})'.format(name)) if self._collectiveVariables is not None: for force in self._collectiveVariables: for index in range(force.getNumCollectiveVariables()): name = force.getCollectiveVariableName(index) self._add_item(headers, name) return headers def _constructReportValues(self, simulation, state): values = super()._constructReportValues(simulation, state) if self._computing: computer = self._pressureComputer computer.import_configuration(state) atomicVirial = computer.get_atomic_virial().value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) if self._coulombEnergy: coulombVirial = computer.get_coulomb_virial() self._add_item(values, coulombVirial.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole)) if self._atomicVirial: self._add_item(values, atomicVirial) if self._nonbondedVirial: nonbondedVirial = computer.get_dispersion_virial() + computer.get_coulomb_virial() self._add_item(values, nonbondedVirial.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole)) if self._atomicPressure: atomicPressure = computer.get_atomic_pressure() self._add_item(values, atomicPressure.value_in_unit(unit.atmospheres)) if self._molecularVirial or self._molecularPressure: forces = state.getForces(asNumpy=True) if self._molecularVirial: molecularVirial = computer.get_molecular_virial(forces) self._add_item(values, molecularVirial.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole)) if self._molecularPressure: molecularPressure = computer.get_molecular_pressure(forces) self._add_item(values, molecularPressure.value_in_unit(unit.atmospheres)) if self._molecularKineticEnergy: molKinEng = computer.get_molecular_kinetic_energy() self._add_item(values, molKinEng.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole)) if self._globalParameterStates is not None: original = dict() for name in self._globalParameterStates.columns: original[name] = simulation.context.getParameter(name) latest = original.copy() for index, row in self._globalParameterStates.iterrows(): for name, value in row.items(): if value != latest[name]: simulation.context.setParameter(name, value) latest[name] = value energy = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy() self._add_item(values, energy.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole)) for name, value in original.items(): if value != latest[name]: simulation.context.setParameter(name, value) if self._globalParameters is not None: for name in self._globalParameters: self._add_item(values, simulation.context.getParameter(name)) if self._energyDerivatives is not None: mystate = simulation.context.getState(getParameterDerivatives=True) derivative = mystate.getEnergyParameterDerivatives() for name in self._energyDerivatives: self._add_item(values, derivative[name]) if self._collectiveVariables is not None: for force in self._collectiveVariables: for cv in force.getCollectiveVariableValues(simulation.context): self._add_item(values, cv) return values
[docs]class XYZReporter(_AtomsMM_Reporter): """ Outputs to an XYZ-format file a series of frames containing the coordinates, velocities, momenta, or forces on all atoms in a Simulation. .. note:: Coordinates are expressed in nanometers, velocities in nanometer/picosecond, momenta in dalton*nanometer/picosecond, and forces in dalton*nanometer/picosecond^2. To use this reporter, create an XYZReporter object and append it to the Simulation's list of reporters. Keyword Args ------------ output : str, default='positions' Which kind of info to report. Valid options are 'positions', 'velocities', 'momenta' and 'forces'. groups : set(int), default=None Which force groups to consider in the force calculations. If this is `None`, then all force groups will be evaluated. """ def __init__(self, file, reportInterval, **kwargs): self._output = kwargs.get('output', 'positions') self._groups = kwargs.get('groups', None) if self._output == 'positions': self._unit = unit.angstroms elif self._output == 'velocities': self._unit = unit.angstroms/unit.picoseconds elif self._output == 'momenta': self._unit = unit.dalton*unit.angstroms/unit.picoseconds elif self._output == 'forces': self._unit = unit.dalton*unit.angstroms/unit.picoseconds**2 else: raise InputError('Unrecognizable keyword value') super().__init__(file, reportInterval, **kwargs) self._needsPositions = self._output == 'positions' self._needsVelocities = self._output in ['velocities', 'momenta'] self._needsForces = self._output == 'forces' def _initialize(self, simulation, state): self._symbols = [atom.element.symbol for atom in simulation.topology.atoms()] sys = simulation.system self._N = sys.getNumParticles() if self._output == 'momenta': mass = [sys.getParticleMass(i).value_in_unit(unit.dalton) for i in range(self._N)] self._mass = np.vstack([mass, mass, mass]).transpose()*unit.dalton def _get_values(self, simulation, state): if self._output == 'positions': values = state.getPositions(asNumpy=True) elif self._output == 'velocities': values = state.getVelocities(asNumpy=True) elif self._output == 'momenta': values = self._mass*state.getVelocities(asNumpy=True) elif self._groups is None: values = state.getForces(asNumpy=True) else: new_state = simulation.context.getState(getForces=True, groups=self._groups) values = new_state.getForces(asNumpy=True) return values.value_in_unit(self._unit) def _write(self, step, N, names, values): print(N, file=self._out) pd.DataFrame(index=names, data=values).to_csv( self._out, sep='\t', header=[f'{self._output} in {self._unit} at time step {step}', '', ''], ) def _generateReport(self, simulation, state): values = self._get_values(simulation, state) self._write(simulation.currentStep, self._N, self._symbols, values)
[docs]class CenterOfMassReporter(XYZReporter): """ Outputs to an XYZ-format file a series of frames containing the center-of-mass coordinates, center-of-mass velocities, total momenta, or resultant forces on all molecules in a Simulation. .. note:: Coordinates are expressed in nanometers, velocities in nanometer/picosecond, momenta in dalton*nanometer/picosecond, and forces in dalton*nanometer/picosecond^2. To use this reporter, create an CenterOfMassReporter object and append it to the Simulation's list of reporters. Keyword Args ------------ output : str, default='positions' Which kind of info to report. Valid options are 'positions', 'velocities', 'momenta' and 'forces'. groups : set(int), default=None Which force groups to consider in the force calculations. If this is `None`, then all force groups will be evaluated. """ def _initialize(self, simulation, state): super()._initialize(simulation, state) self._mols = _MoleculeTotalizer(simulation.context, simulation.topology) def _generateReport(self, simulation, state): values = self._get_values(simulation, state) if self._output in ['positions', 'velocities']: cm_values = else: cm_values = self._write(simulation.currentStep, self._mols.nmols, self._mols.residues, cm_values)
[docs]class CustomIntegratorReporter(_AtomsMM_Reporter): """ Outputs global and per-DoF variables of a CustomIntegrator instance. Keyword Args ------------ describeOnly : bool, optional, default=True Whether to output only descriptive statistics that summarize the activated per-Dof variables. """ def __init__(self, file, reportInterval, **kwargs): super().__init__(file, reportInterval, **kwargs) self._describeOnly = kwargs.pop('describeOnly', True) self._variables = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value is True: self._variables.append(key) if not self._variables: raise InputError("No global or perDof variables have been passed") def _initialize(self, simulation, state): integrator = self._integrator = simulation.integrator if not isinstance(integrator, openmm.CustomIntegrator): raise Exception("simulation.integrator is not a CustomIntegrator") self._globals = {} for index in range(integrator.getNumGlobalVariables()): variable = integrator.getGlobalVariableName(index) if variable in self._variables: self._globals[variable] = index self._perDof = {} for index in range(integrator.getNumPerDofVariables()): variable = integrator.getPerDofVariableName(index) if variable in self._variables: self._perDof[variable] = index if set(self._variables) != set(self._globals) | set(self._perDof): raise InputError("Unknown variables have been passed") def _generateReport(self, simulation, state): for variable, index in self._globals.items(): value = self._integrator.getGlobalVariable(index) print('{}\n{}'.format(variable, value), file=self._out) for variable, index in self._perDof.items(): values = self._integrator.getPerDofVariable(index) titles = ['{}.{}'.format(variable, dir) for dir in ['x', 'y', 'z']] df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.array(values), columns=titles) if self._describeOnly: print(df.describe(), file=self._out) else: df.to_csv(self._out, sep='\t')
[docs]class ExpandedEnsembleReporter(_AtomsMM_Reporter): """ Performs an Expanded Ensemble simulation and reports the energies of multiple states. Parameters ---------- states : pandas.DataFrame_ A DataFrame containing context global parameters (column names) and sets of values thereof. The potential energy will be reported for every state these parameters define. If one of the variables is named as `weight`, then its set of values will be assigned to every state as an importance sampling weight. Otherwise, all states will have identical weights. States which are supposed to only have their energies reported, with no actual visits, can have their weights set up to `-inf`. temperature : unit.Quantity The system temperature. Keyword Args ------------ reportsPerExchange : int, optional, default=1 The number of reports between attempts to exchange the global parameter state, that is, the exchange interval measured in units of report intervals. """ def __init__(self, file, reportInterval, states, temperature, **kwargs): self._parameter_states = states.copy() self._nstates = len(states.index) self._reports_per_exchange = kwargs.pop('reportsPerExchange', 1) super().__init__(file, reportInterval, **kwargs) if 'weight' in states: self._weights = self._parameter_states.pop('weight').values finite = np.where(np.isfinite(self._weights))[0] self._first_state = finite[0] self._last_state = finite[-1] else: self._weights = np.zeros(self._nstates) self._first_state = 0 self._last_state = self._nstates - 1 kT = (unit.MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R*temperature).value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) self._beta = 1.0/kT self._nreports = 0 self._overall_visits = np.zeros(self._nstates, dtype=int) self._downhill_visits = np.zeros(self._nstates, dtype=int) self._probability_accumulators = np.zeros(self._nstates) self._downhill = False self._counting_started = False self._regime_change = [] def _initialize(self, simulation, state): headers = ['step', 'state'] for index in self._parameter_states.index: headers.append('Energy[{}] (kJ/mole)'.format(index)) print(*headers, sep=self._separator, file=self._out) def _register_visit(self, state): if self._downhill: if state == self._first_state: self._downhill = False self._regime_change.append(self._nreports) elif state == self._last_state: self._downhill = True self._regime_change.append(self._nreports) if self._counting_started: self._overall_visits[state] += 1 if self._downhill: self._downhill_visits[state] += 1 else: self._counting_started = self._downhill is True def _generateReport(self, simulation, state): energies = np.zeros(self._nstates) original = dict() for name in self._parameter_states.columns: original[name] = simulation.context.getParameter(name) latest = original.copy() for i, (index, row) in enumerate(self._parameter_states.iterrows()): for name, value in row.items(): if value != latest[name]: simulation.context.setParameter(name, value) latest[name] = value energy = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True).getPotentialEnergy() energies[i] = energy.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) self._nreports += 1 exponents = self._weights - self._beta*energies probabilities = np.exp(exponents - np.amax(exponents)) probabilities /= np.sum(probabilities) self._probability_accumulators += probabilities if self._nreports % self._reports_per_exchange == 0: state = np.random.choice(self._nstates, p=probabilities) for name, value in self._parameter_states.iloc[state].items(): if value != latest[name]: simulation.context.setParameter(name, value) self._register_visit(state) print(simulation.currentStep, state, *energies, sep=self._separator, file=self._out) def _isochronal_delta(self, f, n): N = len(f) b = 3/(n*(n+1)*(2*n+1)) seq = np.arange(1, n+1) a = (b/2)*np.array([n*(n+1)-k*(k-1) for k in seq]) ind = np.argsort(f) fa = f[ind] delta = np.empty(N) delta[0] = -fa[0]/2 + np.sum(a*fa[1:n+1]) for i in range(1, N-1): delta[i] = b*np.sum([k*(fa[min(i+k, N-1)] - fa[max(i-k, 0)]) for k in seq]) delta[N-1] = fa[N-1]/2 - np.sum(np.flip(a)*fa[N-n-1:N-1]) delta[ind] = delta return delta def read_csv(self, file, **kwargs): comment = kwargs.pop('comment', '#') separator = kwargs.pop('sep', self._separator) df = pd.read_csv(file, comment=comment, sep=separator, **kwargs) energies = np.zeros(self._nstates) for index, row in df.iterrows(): state = int(row['state']) for i in self._parameter_states.index: energies[i] = row['Energy[{}] (kJ/mole)'.format(i)] self._nreports += 1 exponents = self._weights - self._beta*energies probabilities = np.exp(exponents - np.amax(exponents)) probabilities /= np.sum(probabilities) self._probability_accumulators += probabilities if self._nreports % self._reports_per_exchange == 0: self._register_visit(state)
[docs] def state_sampling_analysis(self, staging_variable=None, to_file=True, isochronal_n=2): """ Build histograms of states visited during the overall process as well as during downhill walks. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame_ """ mask = self._overall_visits > 0 frame = pd.DataFrame(self._parameter_states)[mask] histogram = self._overall_visits[mask] downhill_fraction = self._downhill_visits[mask]/histogram weight = self._weights[mask] frame['weight'] = weight frame['histogram'] = histogram/np.sum(histogram) frame['downhill_fraction'] = downhill_fraction if self._counting_started: probability = self._probability_accumulators[mask]/self._nreports free_energy = weight - np.log(probability) free_energy -= free_energy[0] delta = self._isochronal_delta(downhill_fraction, isochronal_n) isochronal_weight = weight + 0.5*np.log(delta/probability) frame['free_energy'] = free_energy frame['isochronal_histogram'] = np.sqrt(delta*probability) frame['isochronal_weight'] = isochronal_weight - isochronal_weight[0] if staging_variable is not None: x = frame[staging_variable].values f = downhill_fraction n = len(x) optimal_pdf = np.sqrt(np.diff(f)/np.diff(x)) # Stepwise optimal PDF area = optimal_pdf*np.diff(x) # Integral in each interval optimal_cdf = np.cumsum(area)/np.sum(area) # Piecewise linear optimal CDF optimal_x = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, n), np.insert(optimal_cdf, 0, 0), x) frame['staging_{}'.format(staging_variable)] = optimal_x frame['staging_weight'] = np.interp(optimal_x, x, free_energy) if to_file: print('# {0} State Sampling Analysis {0}'.format('-'*40), file=self._out) with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None): print('# ' + frame.to_string(index=False).replace('\n', '\n# '), file=self._out) return frame
def walking_time_analysis(self, history=False, to_file=True): times = np.diff(np.array(self._regime_change)) downhill = self._reportInterval*times[0::2] uphill = self._reportInterval*times[1::2] if history: df = pd.DataFrame({'downhill': pd.Series(downhill), 'uphill': pd.Series(uphill)}) print('# {0} Walking Time History {0}'.format('-'*10), file=self._out) print('# ' + df.to_string().replace('\n', '\n# '), file=self._out) df = pd.DataFrame(index=['count', 'mean time'], columns=['downhill', 'uphill'], data=[[downhill.size, uphill.size], [downhill.mean(), uphill.mean()]], dtype='object') if to_file: print('# {0} Walking Time Analysis {0}'.format('-'*10), file=self._out) print('# ' + df.to_string().replace('\n', '\n# '), file=self._out) return df