Source code for

.. module:: system
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: a module for defining extensions of OpenMM System_ class.

.. moduleauthor:: Charlles R. A. Abreu <>

.. _System:
.. _Context:


import copy
import itertools
import re

import numpy as np
from simtk import openmm
from simtk import unit
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr

import atomsmm

class _AtomsMM_System(openmm.System):
    def __init__(self, system, copyForces=True):
        self.this = copy.deepcopy(system).this
        if not copyForces:
            for index in reversed(range(self.getNumForces())):

[docs]class RESPASystem(openmm.System): """ An OpenMM System_ prepared for Multiple Time-Scale Integration with RESPA. Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System The original system from which to generate the RESPASystem. rcutIn : unit.Quantity The distance at which the short-range nonbonded interactions will completely vanish. rswitchIn : unit.Quantity The distance at which the short-range nonbonded interactions will start vanishing by application of a switching function. Keyword Args ------------ adjustment : str, optional, default='force-switch' A keyword for modifying the near nonbonded potential energy function. If it is `None`, then the switching function is applied directly to the original potential. Other options are `'shift'` and `'force-switch'`. If it is `'shift'`, then the switching function is applied to a potential that is already null at the cutoff due to a previous shift. If it is `'force-switch'`, then the potential is modified so that the switching function is applied to the forces rather than the potential energy. fastExceptions : bool, optional, default=True Whether nonbonded exceptions must be considered to belong to the group of fastest forces. If `False`, then they will be split into intermediate and slowest forces. """ def __init__(self, system, rcutIn, rswitchIn, **kwargs): self.this = copy.deepcopy(system).this self._special_bond_force = None self._special_angle_force = None adjustment = kwargs.pop('adjustment', 'force-switch') fastExceptions = kwargs.get('fastExceptions', True) ljc_potential = ['4*epsilon*x*(x-1) + Kc*chargeprod/r', 'x=(sigma/r)^6', 'Kc=138.935456'] for force in self.getForces(): if isinstance(force, openmm.NonbondedForce): near_potential = atomsmm.forces.nearForceExpressions(rcutIn, rswitchIn, adjustment) minus_near_potential = copy.deepcopy(near_potential) minus_near_potential[0] = '-step(rc0-r)*({})'.format(near_potential[0]) force.setForceGroup(2) force.setReciprocalSpaceForceGroup(2) self._addCustomNonbondedForce(near_potential, rcutIn, 1, force) self._addCustomNonbondedForce(minus_near_potential, rcutIn, 31, force) if fastExceptions: self._addCustomBondForce(ljc_potential, 0, force, extract=True) else: self._addCustomBondForce(near_potential, 1, force) self._addCustomBondForce(minus_near_potential, 31, force) elif isinstance(force, openmm.CustomNonbondedForce): potential = force.getEnergyFunction().split(';') if potential[0] in ['U_linear', 'U_spline', 'U_art', 'U_general']: force.setForceGroup(2) near_potential = atomsmm.forces.nearLJForceExpressions(rcutIn, rswitchIn, adjustment) near_potential[0] = '((gt0-gt1)*S + gt1)*({})'.format(near_potential[0]) near_potential += ['gt0 = step(lambda_vdw)', 'gt1 = step(lambda_vdw-1)'] while not potential[0].startswith(' S ='): potential.pop(0) near_potential += potential self._addCustomNonbondedForce(near_potential, rcutIn, 1, force) near_potential[0] = '-step(rc0-r)*{}'.format(near_potential[0]) self._addCustomNonbondedForce(near_potential, rcutIn, 31, force) def _addCustomNonbondedForce(self, expressions, rcut, group, source): energy = ';'.join(expressions) if isinstance(source, openmm.NonbondedForce): force = atomsmm.forces._AtomsMM_CustomNonbondedForce( energy, rcut, use_switching_function=False, use_dispersion_correction=False, ) force.importFrom(source) else: force = copy.deepcopy(source) force.setEnergyFunction(energy) force.setForceGroup(group) self.addForce(force) def _addCustomBondForce(self, expressions, group, nonbonded, extract=False): energy = ';'.join(expressions) force = atomsmm.forces._AtomsMM_CustomBondForce(energy) force.importFrom(nonbonded, extract) if force.getNumBonds() > 0: force.setForceGroup(group) self.addForce(force)
[docs] def redefine_bond(self, topology, residue, atom1, atom2, length, K=None, group=1): """ Changes the equilibrium length of a specified bond for integration within its original time scale. The difference between the original and the redefined bond potentials is evaluated at another time scale. Parameters ---------- topology : openmm.Topology The topology corresponding to the original system. residue : str A name or regular expression to identify the residue which contains the redefined bond. atom1 : str A name or regular expression to identify the first atom that makes the bond. atom2 : str A name or regular expression to identify the second atom that makes the bond. length : unit.Quantity The redifined equilibrium length for integration at the shortest time scale. K : unit.Quantity, optional, default=None The harmonic force constant for the bond. If this is `None`, then the original value will be maintained. group : int, optional, default=1 The force group with which the difference between the original and the redefined bond potentials must be evaluated. """ resname = [ for atom in topology.atoms()] atom = [ for atom in topology.atoms()] r_regex = re.compile(residue) a_regex = [re.compile(a) for a in [atom1, atom2]] def r_match(*args): return all(r_regex.match(resname[j]) for j in args) def a_match(*args): return all(a_regex[i].match(atom[j]) for i, j in enumerate(args)) bond_list = [] for force in self.getForces(): if isinstance(force, openmm.HarmonicBondForce): for index in range(force.getNumBonds()): i, j, r0, K0 = force.getBondParameters(index) if r_match(i, j) and (a_match(i, j) or a_match(j, i)): force.setBondParameters(index, i, j, length, K0 if K is None else K) bond_list.append((i, j, r0, K0)) if bond_list and self._special_bond_force is None: new_force = openmm.CustomBondForce('0.5*(K0*(r - r0)^2 - Kn*(r - rn)^2)') new_force.addPerBondParameter('r0') new_force.addPerBondParameter('K0') new_force.addPerBondParameter('rn') new_force.addPerBondParameter('Kn') new_force.setForceGroup(group) self.addForce(new_force) self._special_bond_force = new_force for (i, j, r0, K0) in bond_list: self._special_bond_force.addBond(i, j, (r0, K0, length, K0 if K is None else K))
[docs] def redefine_angle(self, topology, residue, atom1, atom2, atom3, angle, K=None, group=1): """ Changes the equilibrium value of a specified angle for integration within its original time scale. The difference between the original and the redefined angle potentials is evaluated at another time scale. Parameters ---------- topology : openmm.Topology The topology corresponding to the original system. residue : str A name or regular expression to identify the residue which contains the redefined angle. atom1 : str A name or regular expression to identify the first atom that makes the angle. atom2 : str A name or regular expression to identify the second atom that makes the angle. atom3 : str A name or regular expression to identify the third atom that makes the angle. angle : unit.Quantity The redifined equilibrium angle value for integration at the shortest time scale. K : unit.Quantity, optional, default=None The harmonic force constant for the angle. If this is `None`, then the original value will be maintained. group : int, optional, default=1 The force group with which the difference between the original and the redefined angle potentials must be evaluated. """ resname = [ for atom in topology.atoms()] atom = [ for atom in topology.atoms()] r_regex = re.compile(residue) a_regex = [re.compile(a) for a in [atom1, atom2, atom3]] def r_match(*args): return all(r_regex.match(resname[j]) for j in args) def a_match(*args): return all(a_regex[i].match(atom[j]) for i, j in enumerate(args)) angle_list = [] for force in self.getForces(): if isinstance(force, openmm.HarmonicAngleForce): for index in range(force.getNumAngles()): i, j, k, theta0, K0 = force.getAngleParameters(index) if r_match(i, j, k) and (a_match(i, j, k) or a_match(k, j, i)): force.setAngleParameters(index, i, j, k, angle, K0 if K is None else K) angle_list.append((i, j, k, theta0, K0)) if angle_list and self._special_angle_force is None: new_force = openmm.CustomAngleForce('0.5*(K0*(theta - t0)^2 - Kn*(theta - tn)^2)') new_force.addPerAngleParameter('t0') new_force.addPerAngleParameter('K0') new_force.addPerAngleParameter('tn') new_force.addPerAngleParameter('Kn') new_force.setForceGroup(group) self.addForce(new_force) self._special_angle_force = new_force for (i, j, k, theta0, K0) in angle_list: self._special_angle_force.addAngle(i, j, k, (theta0, K0, angle, K0 if K is None else K))
[docs]class SolvationSystem(openmm.System): """ An OpenMM System_ prepared for solvation free-energy calculations. Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System The original system from which to generate the SolvationSystem. solute_atoms : set(int) A set containing the indexes of all solute atoms. use_softcore : bool, optional, default=True Whether to define a softcore potential for the coupling/decoupling of solute-solvent Lennard-Jones interactions. If this is `False`, then a linear scaling of both `sigma` and `epsilon` will be applied instead. softcore_group : int, optional, default=0 The force group to be assigned to the solute-solvent softcore interactions, if any. split_exceptions : bool, optional, default=False Whether preexisting exceptions should be separated from the nonbonded force before new exceptions are created. """ def __init__(self, system, solute_atoms, use_softcore=True, softcore_group=0, split_exceptions=False): self.this = copy.deepcopy(system).this nonbonded = self.getForce(atomsmm.findNonbondedForce(self)) all_atoms = set(range(nonbonded.getNumParticles())) solvent_atoms = all_atoms - solute_atoms # If requested, extract preexisting non-exclusion exceptions: if split_exceptions: ljc_potential = '4*epsilon*x*(x-1) + Kc*chargeprod/r; x=(sigma/r)^6; Kc=138.935456' exceptions = atomsmm.forces._AtomsMM_CustomBondForce(ljc_potential) exceptions.importFrom(nonbonded, extract=True) if exceptions.getNumBonds() > 0: self.addForce(exceptions) # A custom nonbonded force for solute-solvent, softcore van der Waals interactions: if use_softcore: ljs_potential = '4*lambda_vdw*epsilon*(1-x)/x^2; x=(r/sigma)^6+0.5*(1-lambda_vdw)' softcore = atomsmm.forces._AtomsMM_CustomNonbondedForce(ljs_potential, lambda_vdw=1) softcore.importFrom(nonbonded) softcore.addInteractionGroup(solute_atoms, solvent_atoms) softcore.setForceGroup(softcore_group) self.addForce(softcore) # All solute-solute interactions are treated as nonbonded exceptions: exception_pairs = [] for index in range(nonbonded.getNumExceptions()): i, j, _, _, _ = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) if set([i, j]).issubset(solute_atoms): exception_pairs.append(set([i, j])) for i, j in itertools.combinations(solute_atoms, 2): if set([i, j]) not in exception_pairs: q1, sig1, eps1 = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(i) q2, sig2, eps2 = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(j) nonbonded.addException(i, j, q1*q2, (sig1 + sig2)/2, np.sqrt(eps1*eps2)) if use_softcore: softcore.addExclusion(i, j) # Needed for matching exception number # Turn off or scale solute Lennard-Jones interactions, scale solute charges: lj_parameters = dict() charges = dict() for index in solute_atoms: charge, sigma, epsilon = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(index) nonbonded.setParticleParameters(index, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if charge/charge.unit != 0.0: charges[index] = charge if epsilon/epsilon.unit != 0.0: lj_parameters[index] = (sigma, epsilon) if charges: nonbonded.addGlobalParameter('lambda_coul', 1.0) for index, charge in charges.items(): nonbonded.addParticleParameterOffset('lambda_coul', index, charge, 0.0, 0.0) if lj_parameters and not use_softcore: nonbonded.addGlobalParameter('lambda_vdw', 1.0) for index, (sigma, epsilon) in lj_parameters.items(): nonbonded.addParticleParameterOffset('lambda_vdw', index, 0.0, sigma, epsilon)
[docs]class AlchemicalSystem(openmm.System): """ An OpenMM System_ prepared for solvation free-energy calculations. Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System The original system from which to generate the SolvationSystem. atoms : set(int) A set containing the indexes of all solute atoms. coupling : str, optional, default='softcore' The model used for coupling the alchemical atoms to the system. The options are `softcore`, `linear`, `art`, `spline`, or some function of `lambda_vdw`. Use `softcore` for the model of Beutler et al. (1994), `linear` for a simple linear coupling, `art` for the sine-based coupling model of Abrams, Rosso, and Tuckerman (2006), and `spline` for multiplying the solute-solvent interactions by :math:`\\lambda_\\mathrm{vdw}^3(10 - 15 \\lambda_\\mathrm{vdw} + 6 \\lambda_\\mathrm{vdw}^2)`. Alternatively, you can enter any other valid function of `lambda_vdw`. group : int, optional, default=0 The force group to be assigned to the solute-solvent softcore interactions, if any. use_lrc : bool, optional, defaul=False Whether to use long-range (dispersion) correction in solute-solvent interactions. """ def __init__(self, system, atoms, coupling='softcore', group=0, use_lrc=False): self.this = copy.deepcopy(system).this nonbonded = self.getForce(atomsmm.findNonbondedForce(self)) if coupling == 'softcore': # Beutler et al. (1994) potential = 'U_softcore' potential += '; U_softcore = 4*lambda_vdw*epsilon*(1 - x)/x^2' potential += '; x = (r/sigma)^6 + 0.5*(1 - lambda_vdw)' else: if coupling in ['linear', 'spline', 'art']: potential = 'U_{}'.format(coupling) else: potential = 'U_general' potential += '; {} = 4*((gt0-gt1)*S + gt1)*epsilon*x*(x - 1)'.format(potential) potential += '; x = (sigma/r)^6' potential += '; gt0 = step(lambda_vdw)' potential += '; gt1 = step(lambda_vdw-1)' if coupling == 'linear': potential += '; S = lambda_vdw - sin(two_pi*lambda_vdw)/two_pi' elif coupling == 'spline': potential += '; S = lambda_vdw^3*(10 - 15*lambda_vdw + 6*lambda_vdw^2)' elif coupling == 'art': # Abrams, Rosso, and Tuckerman (2006) potential += '; S = lambda_vdw - sin(two_pi*lambda_vdw)/two_pi' potential += '; two_pi = 6.28318530717958' else: potential += '; S = {}'.format(coupling) potential += '; sigma = 0.5*(sigma1 + sigma2)' potential += '; epsilon = sqrt(epsilon1*epsilon2)' softcore = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(potential) if nonbonded.getNonbondedMethod() == openmm.NonbondedForce.NoCutoff: softcore.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.CustomNonbondedForce.NoCutoff) else: softcore.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.CustomNonbondedForce.CutoffPeriodic) softcore.setCutoffDistance(nonbonded.getCutoffDistance()) softcore.setUseSwitchingFunction(nonbonded.getUseSwitchingFunction()) softcore.setSwitchingDistance(nonbonded.getSwitchingDistance()) # softcore.setUseLongRangeCorrection(nonbonded.getUseDispersionCorrection()) softcore.setUseLongRangeCorrection(use_lrc) softcore.addGlobalParameter('lambda_vdw', 1.0) softcore.addPerParticleParameter('sigma') softcore.addPerParticleParameter('epsilon') all_atoms = range(nonbonded.getNumParticles()) for index in all_atoms: _, sigma, epsilon = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(index) softcore.addParticle([sigma, epsilon]) for index in range(nonbonded.getNumExceptions()): i, j, _, _, epsilon = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) softcore.addExclusion(i, j) softcore.addInteractionGroup(atoms, set(all_atoms) - set(atoms)) softcore.setForceGroup(group) softcore.addEnergyParameterDerivative('lambda_vdw') self.addForce(softcore) parameters = {} for i in atoms: parameters[i] = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(i) nonbonded.setParticleParameters(i, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) exception_pairs = [] for index in range(nonbonded.getNumExceptions()): i, j, _, _, _ = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) if set([i, j]).issubset(atoms): exception_pairs.append(set([i, j])) for i, j in itertools.combinations(atoms, 2): if set([i, j]) not in exception_pairs: q1, sig1, eps1 = parameters[i] q2, sig2, eps2 = parameters[j] nonbonded.addException(i, j, q1*q2, (sig1 + sig2)/2, np.sqrt(eps1*eps2)) softcore.addExclusion(i, j) # Needed for matching exception number
class AlchemicalSoftcoreCVForce(object): def __init__(self, alchemical_system, grid): self._system = openmm.System() for i in range(alchemical_system.getNumParticles()): self._system.addParticle(alchemical_system.getParticleMass(i)) self._system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*alchemical_system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors()) self._context = None self._numForces = len(grid) original = alchemical_system._alchemical_vdw_force # nonbonded = openmm.NonbondedForce() # for i in range(original.getNumParticles()): # nonbonded.addParticle(*original.getParticleParameters(i)) # nonbonded.setForceGroup(31) # self._system.addForce(nonbonded) # For keeping neighbor list for index, value in enumerate(grid): ljsoft = f'4*lambda*epsilon*x*(x - 1)' ljsoft += f'; x = 1/((r/sigma)^6 + 0.5*(1-lambda))' ljsoft += f'; lambda = {value}' ljsoft += f'; sigma = 0.5*(sigma1 + sigma2)' ljsoft += f'; epsilon = sqrt(epsilon1*epsilon2)' force = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(ljsoft) force.setNonbondedMethod(original.getNonbondedMethod()) for parameter in ['sigma', 'epsilon']: force.addPerParticleParameter(parameter) for i in range(original.getNumParticles()): _, sigma, epsilon = original.getParticleParameters(i) force.addParticle((sigma, epsilon)) for i in range(original.getNumExclusions()): force.addExclusion(*original.getExclusionParticles(i)) force.setCutoffDistance(original.getCutoffDistance()) force.setUseSwitchingFunction(original.getUseSwitchingFunction()) force.setSwitchingDistance(original.getSwitchingDistance()) if value != 0.0: force.setUseLongRangeCorrection(original.getUseLongRangeCorrection()) for i in range(original.getNumInteractionGroups()): force.addInteractionGroup(*original.getInteractionGroupParameters(i)) force.setForceGroup(index) self._system.addForce(force) def getNumCollectiveVariables(self): return self._numForces def getCollectiveVariableName(self, index): return f'E{index}' def getCollectiveVariableValues(self, context): if self._context is None: integrator = openmm.CustomIntegrator(0) platform = context.getPlatform() self._context = openmm.Context(self._system, integrator, platform) self._context.setState(context.getState(getPositions=True)) energy = np.empty(self._numForces) for index in range(self._numForces): state = self._context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups=set([index])) energy[index] = state.getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole) return energy class AlchemicalCoulombCVForce(object): def __init__(self, alchemical_system): self._system = alchemical_system def getNumCollectiveVariables(self): return 1 def getCollectiveVariableName(self, index): return 'alchemical_coulomb_energy' def getCollectiveVariableValues(self, context): lambda_coul = self._system._lambda_coul self._system.reset_coulomb_scaling_factor(0.0, context) group = 2 if self._system._middle_scale else 1 E0 = context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups=2**group).getPotentialEnergy() self._system.reset_coulomb_scaling_factor(1.0, context) E1 = context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups=2**group).getPotentialEnergy() self._system.reset_coulomb_scaling_factor(lambda_coul, context) return [(E1 - E0).value_in_unit(unit.kilojoules_per_mole)]
[docs]class AlchemicalRespaSystem(openmm.System): """ An OpenMM System_ prepared for Multiple Time-Scale Integration with RESPA and for alchemical coupling/decoupling of specified atoms. Short-range forces for integration at intermediate time scale are generated by applying a switching function to the force that results from the following potential: .. math:: & V(r)=V^\\ast_\\mathrm{LJC}(r)-V^\\ast_\\mathrm{LJC}(r_\\mathrm{cut,in}) \\\\ & V^\\ast_\\mathrm{LJC}(r)=\\left\\{ 4\\epsilon\\left[f_{12}(u(r))\\left(\\frac{\\sigma}{r}\\right)^{12}-f_6(u(r))\\left(\\frac{\\sigma}{r}\\right)^6\\right] + \\frac{f_1(u(r))}{4\\pi\\epsilon_0}\\frac{q_1 q_2}{r} \\right\\} where :math:`f_n(u)` is the solution of the 1st order differential equation .. math:: & f_n-\\frac{u+b}{n}\\frac{df_n}{du}=S(u) \\\\ & f_n(0)=1 \\\\ & b=\\frac{r_\\mathrm{switch,in}}{r_\\mathrm{cut,in}-r_\\mathrm{switch,in}} As a consequence of this modification, :math:`V^\\prime(r)=S(u(r))V^\\prime_\\mathrm{LJC}(r)`. Examples of coupling function are: 1. Linear coupling (default): .. math:: f(\\lambda) = \\lambda 2. A 5-th order polinomial whose 1st- and 2nd-order derivatives are null at both extremes. .. math:: f(\\lambda) = \\lambda^3(10 - 15 \\lambda + 6 \\lambda^2) 3. A 5-th order polinomial whose 1st-order derivative is null at both extremes and whose 2nd- and 3rd-order derivatives are also null at :math:`\\lambda = 0`: .. math:: f(\\lambda) = \\lambda^4(5 - 4 \\lambda) 4. The sine-based coupling model of Abrams, Rosso, and Tuckerman :cite:`Abrams_2006`: .. math:: f(\\lambda) = \\lambda - \\frac{\\sin\\left(2\\pi \\lambda\\right)}{2\\pi} Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System The original system from which to generate the SolvationSystem. rcutIn : unit.Quantity The distance at which the short-range nonbonded interactions will completely vanish. rswitchIn : unit.Quantity The distance at which the short-range nonbonded interactions will start vanishing by application of a switching function. alchemical_atoms : list(int), optional, default=[] A set containing the indexes of all alchemical atoms. coupling_parameter : str, optional, defaul='lambda' The name of the coupling parameter. coupling_function : str, optional, default='lambda' A function :math:`f(\\lambda)` used for coupling the alchemical atoms to the system, where :math:`\\lambda` is the coupling parameter. This must be a function of a single variable named as in argument `coupling_parameter` (see above). It is expected that :math:`f(0) = 0` and :math:`f(1) = 1`. middle_scale : bool, optional, default=True Whether to use an intermediate time scale in the RESPA integration. coulomb_scaling : bool, optional, default=False Whether to consider scaling of electrostatic interactions between alchemical and non-alchemical atoms. Otherwise, these interactions will not exist. lambda_coul : float, optional, default=0 A scaling factor to be applied to all electrostatic interactions between alchemical and non-alchemical atoms. """ def __init__(self, system, rcutIn, rswitchIn, alchemical_atoms=[], coupling_parameter='lambda', coupling_function='lambda', middle_scale=True, coulomb_scaling=False, lambda_coul=0, use_softcore=False, split_alchemical=True): self.this = copy.deepcopy(system).this Kc = 138.935456637 # Coulomb constant in kJ.nm/mol.e^2 self._parameter = coupling_parameter self._coulomb_scaling = coulomb_scaling self._middle_scale = middle_scale self._use_softcore = use_softcore # Define specific sets of atoms: all_atoms = set(range(self.getNumParticles())) solute_atoms = set(alchemical_atoms) solvent_atoms = all_atoms - solute_atoms # Define force-switched potential expressions: rci = rcutIn.value_in_unit(unit.nanometer) rsi = rswitchIn.value_in_unit(unit.nanometer) fsp = self._force_switched_potential(rci, rsi, Kc) mixing_rules = '; chargeprod = charge1*charge2' mixing_rules += '; sigma = 0.5*(sigma1 + sigma2)' mixing_rules += '; epsilon = sqrt(epsilon1*epsilon2)' # Nonbonded force will only account for solvent-solvent interactions: for force in self.getForces(): if isinstance(force, openmm.NonbondedForce): # Store a copy of the nonbonded force before changes are made: nonbonded = copy.deepcopy(force) # Place it at due group: force.setForceGroup(2 if middle_scale else 1) force.setReciprocalSpaceForceGroup(2 if middle_scale else 1) # Delete all solute interaction parameters: self._solute_charges = {} for i in solute_atoms: charge, _, _ = force.getParticleParameters(i) self._solute_charges[i] = charge force.setParticleParameters(i, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) # Identify solute-solute exceptions and turn all of them into exclusions: exception_pairs = [] for index in range(force.getNumExceptions()): i, j, _, _, _ = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) if set([i, j]).issubset(solute_atoms): exception_pairs.append(set([i, j])) force.setExceptionParameters(index, i, j, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) # Identify all other solute-solute interactions. In the system's nonbonded force, # turn them into exclusion exceptions. In the stored copy, turn them into general # exceptions for the sake of forthcoming imports: for i, j in itertools.combinations(solute_atoms, 2): if set([i, j]) not in exception_pairs: force.addException(i, j, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) q1, sig1, eps1 = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(i) q2, sig2, eps2 = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(j) nonbonded.addException(i, j, q1*q2, (sig1 + sig2)/2, np.sqrt(eps1*eps2)) # Add a force-switched potential with internal cutoff if a RESPA-related # middle scale has been requested: if middle_scale: near_force = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(fsp + mixing_rules) self._import_from_nonbonded(near_force, force) near_force.setCutoffDistance(rcutIn) near_force.setUseSwitchingFunction(False) near_force.setUseLongRangeCorrection(False) near_force.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) near_force.setForceGroup(1) self.addForce(near_force) # Because all exceptions in nonbonded become exclusions in near_force, # capture all non-exclusion exceptions into a custom bonded force: exceptions = openmm.CustomBondForce(f'step({rci}-r)*U; U = {fsp}') exceptions.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) for parameter in ['chargeprod', 'sigma', 'epsilon']: exceptions.addPerBondParameter(parameter) for index in range(force.getNumExceptions()): i, j, chargeprod, sigma, epsilon = force.getExceptionParameters(index) if chargeprod/chargeprod.unit != 0.0 or epsilon/epsilon.unit != 0.0: exceptions.addBond(i, j, (chargeprod, sigma, epsilon)) if exceptions.getNumBonds() > 0: exceptions.setForceGroup(1) self.addForce(exceptions) # Store a pointer to the altered non-bonded force: self._nonbonded_force = force else: # Place bonded and other forces at group 0: force.setForceGroup(0) # Return if no solute atoms were specified: if not solute_atoms: return # To allow decoupling rather than annihilation, solute-solute interactions are handled # by a custom bond force without a cut-off: ljc = f'4*epsilon*x*(x - 1) + {Kc}*chargeprod/r; x = (sigma/r)^6' full_range = openmm.CustomBondForce(ljc) full_range.setForceGroup(2 if middle_scale else 1) intrasolute_forces = [full_range] # If a RESPA-related middle scale has been requested, also create a short-ranged version: if middle_scale: short_range = openmm.CustomBondForce(f'step({rci}-r)*U; U = {fsp}') short_range.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) short_range.setForceGroup(1) intrasolute_forces.append(short_range) for force in intrasolute_forces: for parameter in ['chargeprod', 'sigma', 'epsilon']: force.addPerBondParameter(parameter) self.addForce(force) # Add interactions due to solute-solute pairs previously treated as exceptions: for index in range(nonbonded.getNumExceptions()): i, j, chargeprod, sigma, epsilon = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) if set([i, j]).issubset(solute_atoms): for force in intrasolute_forces: force.addBond(i, j, (chargeprod, sigma, epsilon)) # NOTE: if Coulomb scaling treatment was requested, the electrostatic part of full-ranged # solute-solvent interactions will be enabled by reactivating solute charges while keeping # all intra-solute interactions excluded. # If both Coulomb scaling and a RESPA-related middle scale were requested, the electrostatic # part of short-ranged solute-solvent interactions must be added as well: if coulomb_scaling and middle_scale: # Create a force-switched electrostatic potential and add it to the system: fsep = self._force_switched_eletrostatic_potential(rci, rsi, Kc) short_range = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(fsep + mixing_rules) self._import_from_nonbonded(short_range, nonbonded) short_range.setCutoffDistance(rcutIn) short_range.setUseSwitchingFunction(False) short_range.setUseLongRangeCorrection(False) short_range.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) short_range.setForceGroup(1) short_range.addInteractionGroup(solute_atoms, solvent_atoms) self.addForce(short_range) self._fsep_force = short_range if use_softcore: # Softcore potential is fully considered in the middle time scale: ljsoft = f'4*{coupling_parameter}*epsilon*x*(x - 1)' ljsoft += f'; x = 1/((r/sigma)^6 + 0.5*(1-{coupling_parameter}))' full_range = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(ljsoft + mixing_rules) self._import_from_nonbonded(full_range, nonbonded, import_globals=True) full_range.addInteractionGroup(solute_atoms, solvent_atoms) full_range.addGlobalParameter(coupling_parameter, 1.0) full_range.addEnergyParameterDerivative(coupling_parameter) full_range.setForceGroup(2 if middle_scale else 1) self.addForce(full_range) # Store force object related to alchemical coupling/decoupling: self._alchemical_vdw_force = full_range if middle_scale: # In the current version, the full softcore potential is allocated in the middle # time scale because it would be difficult to apply the force-switch strategy. This # might be reviewed in the future. short_range = copy.deepcopy(full_range) short_range.setEnergyFunction(f'respa_switch*{ljsoft}' + mixing_rules) short_range.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) short_range.setForceGroup(1) self.addForce(short_range) else: # The van der Waals part of solute-solvent interactions are defined as collective # variables multiplied by a coupling function: potential = '((gt0-gt1)*S + gt1)*alchemical_vdw_energy' potential += f'; gt0 = step({coupling_parameter})' potential += f'; gt1 = step({coupling_parameter}-1)' potential += f'; S = {coupling_function}' cv_force = openmm.CustomCVForce(potential) cv_force.addGlobalParameter(coupling_parameter, 1.0) cv_force.addEnergyParameterDerivative(coupling_parameter) # For the van der Waals part of solute-solvent interactions, it is considered that no # exceptions exist which involve a solute atom and a solvent atom (this might be # reviewed in future versions): lj = f'4*epsilon*x*(x - 1); x = (sigma/r)^6' full_range = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(lj + mixing_rules) self._import_from_nonbonded(full_range, nonbonded, import_globals=True) full_range.addInteractionGroup(solute_atoms, solvent_atoms) full_range_cv_force = copy.deepcopy(cv_force) full_range_cv_force.addCollectiveVariable('alchemical_vdw_energy', full_range) full_range_cv_force.setForceGroup(2 if middle_scale else 1) self.addForce(full_range_cv_force) # Store force object related to alchemical coupling/decoupling: self._alchemical_vdw_force = full_range_cv_force if middle_scale and split_alchemical: fsljp = self._force_switched_potential(rci, rsi, 0.0) short_range = openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(fsljp + mixing_rules) self._import_from_nonbonded(short_range, nonbonded) short_range.setCutoffDistance(rcutIn) short_range.setUseSwitchingFunction(False) short_range.setUseLongRangeCorrection(False) short_range.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) short_range.addInteractionGroup(solute_atoms, solvent_atoms) short_range_cv_force = cv_force short_range_cv_force.addCollectiveVariable('alchemical_vdw_energy', short_range) short_range_cv_force.setForceGroup(1) self.addForce(short_range_cv_force) elif middle_scale: short_range = copy.deepcopy(full_range) short_range.setEnergyFunction(f'respa_switch*{lj}' + mixing_rules) short_range.addGlobalParameter('respa_switch', 0) short_range.setForceGroup(1) self.addForce(short_range) # Store Coulomb scaling constant as zero, but reset it if a different value has been passed: self._lambda_coul = 0 self.reset_coulomb_scaling_factor(lambda_coul) def get_alchemical_vdw_force(self, parameter_values=[1]): if self._use_softcore: return AlchemicalSoftcoreCVForce(self, parameter_values) else: return self._alchemical_vdw_force def get_alchemical_coul_force(self): return AlchemicalCoulombCVForce(self)
[docs] def reset_coulomb_scaling_factor(self, lambda_coul, context=None): """ Resets the scaling factor of the solute-solvent electrostatic interactions. Parameters ---------- lambda_coul : float The scaling factor value. context : Context_, optional, default=None A context in which the particle parameters should be updated. """ if self._coulomb_scaling and lambda_coul != self._lambda_coul: for i, charge in self._solute_charges.items(): self._nonbonded_force.setParticleParameters(i, lambda_coul*charge, 1.0, 0.0) if self._middle_scale: self._fsep_force.setParticleParameters(i, (lambda_coul*charge, 1.0, 0.0)) if context is not None: self._nonbonded_force.updateParametersInContext(context) if self._middle_scale: self._fsep_force.updateParametersInContext(context) self._lambda_coul = lambda_coul
def _force_switched_potential(self, rc, rs, Kc): b = rs/(rc - rs) a12 = (6*b**2-21*b+28)/462 a6 = 6*b**2-3*b+1 f = {} f[12] = f'{a12}*({b**3}*(R^12-1)-{12*b**2}*u-{66*b}*u^2-220*u^3)+({45*(7-2*b)/14})*u^4-{72/7}*u^5' f[6] = f'{a6}*({b**3}*(R^6-1)-{6*b**2}*u-{15*b}*u^2-20*u^3)+({45*(1-2*b)})*u^4-36*u^5' if Kc == 0.0: fsp = f'respa_switch*(4*epsilon*x*(x-1) + step(r-{rs})*perturbation)' fsp += f'; perturbation = 4*epsilon*x*(f12*x-f6)' else: a1 = 5*(b+1)**2 f[1] = f'{a1}*({6*b**3}*R*log(R)-{6*b**2}*u-{3*b}*u^2+u^3)-{5*(b/2+1)}*u^4+{3/2}*u^5' fsp = f'respa_switch*(4*epsilon*x*(x-1) + {Kc}*chargeprod/r + step(r-{rs})*perturbation)' fsp += f'; perturbation = 4*epsilon*x*(f12*x-f6) + {Kc}*f1*chargeprod/r' fsp += '; x = (sigma/r)^6' for variable, expression in f.items(): fsp += f'; f{variable} = {expression}' fsp += f'; R = {1/b}*u + 1' fsp += f'; u = {b/rs}*r - {b}' return fsp def _force_switched_eletrostatic_potential(self, rc, rs, Kc): b = rs/(rc - rs) a1 = 5*(b+1)**2 f1 = f'{a1}*({6*b**3}*R*log(R)-{6*b**2}*u-{3*b}*u^2+u^3)-{5*(b/2+1)}*u^4+{3/2}*u^5' fsep = f'respa_switch*(1 + step(r-{rs})*f1)*{Kc}*chargeprod/r' fsep += f'; f1 = {f1}' fsep += f'; R = {1/b}*u + 1' fsep += f'; u = {b/rs}*r - {b}' return fsep def _import_from_nonbonded(self, force, nonbonded, import_globals=False): if nonbonded.getNonbondedMethod() == openmm.NonbondedForce.NoCutoff: force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.CustomNonbondedForce.NoCutoff) else: force.setNonbondedMethod(openmm.CustomNonbondedForce.CutoffPeriodic) for parameter in ['charge', 'sigma', 'epsilon']: force.addPerParticleParameter(parameter) for i in range(nonbonded.getNumParticles()): force.addParticle(nonbonded.getParticleParameters(i)) for index in range(nonbonded.getNumExceptions()): i, j, _, _, _ = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) force.addExclusion(i, j) if import_globals: force.setCutoffDistance(nonbonded.getCutoffDistance()) force.setUseSwitchingFunction(nonbonded.getUseSwitchingFunction()) force.setSwitchingDistance(nonbonded.getSwitchingDistance()) force.setUseLongRangeCorrection(nonbonded.getUseDispersionCorrection())
[docs]class ComputingSystem(_AtomsMM_System): """ An OpenMM System_ prepared for computing the Coulomb contribution to the potential energy, as well as the total internal virial of an atomic system. ..warning: Currently, virial computation is only supported for fully flexible systems (i.e. without distance constraints). Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System The original system from which to generate the ComputingSystem. """ def __init__(self, system): super().__init__(system, copyForces=False) dispersionGroup = 0 bondedGroup = 1 coulombGroup = 2 self._dispersion = 2**dispersionGroup self._bonded = 2**bondedGroup self._coulomb = 2**coulombGroup for force in system.getForces(): if isinstance(force, openmm.NonbondedForce) and force.getNumParticles() > 0: nonbonded = copy.deepcopy(force) expression = '24*epsilon*(2*(sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6)' virial = atomsmm.forces._AtomsMM_CustomNonbondedForce(expression) virial.importFrom(nonbonded) virial.setForceGroup(dispersionGroup) self.addForce(virial) exceptions = atomsmm.forces._AtomsMM_CustomBondForce(expression) exceptions.importFrom(nonbonded, extract=False) if exceptions.getNumBonds() > 0: exceptions.setForceGroup(dispersionGroup) self.addForce(exceptions) for index in range(nonbonded.getNumParticles()): charge, _, _ = nonbonded.getParticleParameters(index) nonbonded.setParticleParameters(index, charge, 1.0, 0.0) for index in range(nonbonded.getNumExceptions()): i, j, charge, _, _ = nonbonded.getExceptionParameters(index) nonbonded.setExceptionParameters(index, i, j, charge, 1.0, 0.0) nonbonded.setForceGroup(coulombGroup) nonbonded.setReciprocalSpaceForceGroup(coulombGroup) self.addForce(nonbonded) elif isinstance(force, openmm.HarmonicBondForce) and force.getNumBonds() > 0: bondforce = openmm.CustomBondForce('-K*r*(r-r0)') bondforce.addPerBondParameter('r0') bondforce.addPerBondParameter('K') for index in range(force.getNumBonds()): i, j, r0, K = force.getBondParameters(index) bondforce.addBond(i, j, [r0, K]) bondforce.setForceGroup(bondedGroup) self.addForce(bondforce) elif isinstance(force, openmm.CustomBondForce) and force.getNumBonds() > 0: bondforce = openmm.CustomBondForce(self._virialExpression(force)) for index in range(force.getNumPerBondParameters()): bondforce.addPerBondParameter(force.getPerBondParameterName(index)) for index in range(force.getNumGlobalParameters()): bondforce.addGlobalParameter(force.getGlobalParameterName(index), force.getGlobalParameterDefaultValue(index)) for index in range(force.getNumBonds()): bondforce.addBond(*force.getBondParameters(index)) bondforce.setForceGroup(bondedGroup) self.addForce(bondforce) def _virialExpression(self, force): definitions = force.getEnergyFunction().split(';') function = parse_expr(definitions.pop(0)) for definition in definitions: name, expression = definition.split('=') symbol = Symbol(name.strip()) expression = parse_expr(expression.replace('^', '**')) function = function.subs(symbol, expression) r = Symbol('r') virial = -r*function.diff(r) return virial.__repr__()